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Database Module - Database upload for cgatcore pipelines



This module contains functions to facilitate data upload into a database using CGAT-core. It is particularly useful for integrating with cgatcore pipelines for automating and managing complex workflows.

Import Statements

import re
import os
import sqlite3
import sqlalchemy
from cgatcore import database as database
import cgatcore.experiment as E
from cgatcore.iotools import snip, touch_file
from cgatcore.pipeline.files import get_temp_file
from cgatcore.pipeline.execution import run
from cgatcore.pipeline.parameters import get_params

Key Functions


Quotes a track name to make it suitable as a table name.

def tablequote(track):
    '''quote a track name such that it is suitable as a table name.'''
    return re.sub(r"[-(),\[\].]", "_", track)


Converts a filename from a load statement into a table name. Checks if the filename ends with .load, removes the suffix, and then quotes it.

Arguments: - outfile (string): Filename ending in .load.

Returns: - tablename (string): A suitable table name derived from the file.

def to_table(outfile):
    '''convert a filename from a load statement into a table name.'''
    assert outfile.endswith(".load")
    name = os.path.basename(outfile[:-len(".load")])
    return tablequote(name)

build_load_statement(tablename, retry=True, options="")

Builds a command line statement to upload data to the database via the csv2db script.

Arguments: - tablename (string): Tablename for upload. - retry (bool): If True, add the --retry option to - options (string): Command line options to be passed on to

Returns: - string: A command line statement for uploading data.

def build_load_statement(tablename, retry=True, options=""):
    opts = []
    if retry:
        opts.append(" --retry ")
    params = get_params()
    db_options = " ".join(opts)
    load_statement = (
        "python -m cgatcore.csv2db {db_options} {options} --table={tablename}".format(**locals()))
    return load_statement


Imports data from a tab-separated file into the database.

Arguments: - infile (string): Filename of the input data. - outfile (string): Output filename containing logging information. - Various additional arguments to control the loading behaviour.

Typical usage within Ruffus:

@transform("*.tsv.gz", suffix(".tsv.gz"), ".load")
def loadData(infile, outfile):
    P.load(infile, outfile)


Concatenates multiple tab-separated files and uploads the result to the database.

Arguments: - infiles (list): List of input filenames. - outfile (string): Output filename. - Various additional arguments for concatenation and loading.

Typical usage within Ruffus:

@merge("*.tsv.gz", ".load")
def loadData(infiles, outfile):
    P.concatenate_and_load(infiles, outfile)


Merges multiple categorical tables and loads them into the database.

Arguments: - infiles (list): List of input files. - outfile (string): Output filename. - Various additional arguments to control the merging and loading behaviour.


Connects to the SQLite database used in the pipeline. Currently only implemented for SQLite databases.

Returns: - dbh: A database handle.


Creates a database view for a list of tables by performing a join across them.

Arguments: - dbhandle: Database handle. - tables: List of tuples containing table names and fields to join. - tablename (string): Name of the view or table to be created. - view_type (string): Type of view, either VIEW or TABLE.


Returns the database name associated with the pipeline. Implemented for backwards compatibility.

Utility Functions

These functions assist in interacting with a database in various ways:

  • load_from_iterator(...): Imports data from an iterator into a database.
  • apsw_connect(dbname, modname="tsv"): Attempts to connect to an APSW database, creating a virtual table from a TSV file.

Database Utility Functions - Database utility functions


This module contains convenience functions to work with a relational database.

executewait(dbhandle, statement, regex_error="locked", retries=-1, wait=5)

Repeatedly executes an SQL statement until it succeeds.

Arguments: - dbhandle: A DB-API conform database handle. - statement: SQL statement to execute. - regex_error: Regex to match error messages to ignore.

Returns: - Cursor: A cursor object for further database operations.

getColumnNames(dbhandle, table)

Returns the column names of a table from the database.


Gets a list of tables in an SQLite database.

toTSV(dbhandle, outfile, statement, remove_none=True)

Executes a statement and saves the result as a TSV file to disk.

Database Interaction Functions

  • connect(dbhandle=None, attach=None, url=None): Attempts to connect to a database, returning a database handle.
  • execute(queries, dbhandle=None, attach=False): Executes one or more SQL statements against a database.
  • fetch(query, dbhandle=None, attach=False): Fetches all query results and returns them.
  • fetch_with_names(query, dbhandle=None, attach=False): Fetches query results and returns them as an array of row arrays, including field names.
  • fetch_DataFrame(query, dbhandle=None, attach=False): Fetches query results and returns them as a pandas DataFrame.
  • write_DataFrame(dataframe, tablename, dbhandle=None, index=False, if_exists='replace'): Writes a pandas DataFrame to an SQLite database.

Virtual Table Creation with APSW

  • apsw_connect(dbname=None, modname="tsv"): Connects to an APSW database and creates a virtual table from a TSV file.
  • _VirtualTable and _Table classes: Defines the structure and methods to support virtual tables in APSW.

Notes and Recommendations

  • As you continue to expand and develop the CGAT-core functionality, ensure to update the database module documentation accordingly.
  • This module heavily utilises csv2db to facilitate data upload and management.
  • Always consider potential SQL locking issues and use retry mechanisms where applicable.